The creation of this site was an initiative of the N.W. Posthumus Institute: the Netherlands Research Institute and Graduate School on Economic and Social History. It was the wish of the Posthumus Institute to make the data of the National Account Research Project accessible to other researchers. For that reason the research data was deposited at the Netherlands Historical Data Archive (NHDA), which is now part of Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS). DANS is responsible for the long-term preservation of the dataset and maintenance of this website.

The researchers of the National Account Project:
J.L. van Zanden (project leader)
J.P. Smits (project coordinator)
E. Horlings (second project coordinator)
R. Albers
R. van der Bie
A. Burger
A. Callewaert
A. Clemens
P. Groote
M. Jansen
M. Knibbe
C.A. Mandemakers
G. Pons
A. van Riel
A. Vermaas
S.W. Verstegen
R. van der Voort
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