Project Related Publications
Albers, R.M.
Capital formation in machinery and economic development in the Netherlands since 1800 (forthcoming).
Burger, A.
'Dutch patterns of development: economic growth and structural change in the Netherlands, 1800-1910', Economic and Social History in the Netherlands 7 (1996) 161-180.
Callewaert, A.
'Estimating Dutch industrial growth 1850-1914' [Paper presented at the workshop National Accounts] (Utrecht, 1992).
Clemens, A.H.P., P. Groote, and R.M. Albers
'The contribution of physical and human capital to economic growth in the Netherlands, 1850-1913', Economic and Social History in the Netherlands 7 (1996), 181-197.
Economic and Social History in the Netherlands, 7 (1996)
[special issue on the Dutch National Accounts].
Groote, P.
'Work in progress. Capital formation in Dutch railways, 1839-1913' [paper presented at a workshop on national accounts in Leuven] (Groningen, 1991).
Groote, P., and R.M. Albers
'Dutch Rail and Tramways in a Comparative Perspective', Economic and Social History in the Netherlands 7 (1996), 41-55.
Groote, P.
Kapitaalvorming in infrastructuur in Nederland 1800-1913 (Groningen, 1995).
Horlings, E.
The economic development of the Dutch service sector 1800-1850. Trade and transport in a premodern economy (Amsterdam, 1995).
Horlings, E.
'De ontwikkeling van de Nederlandse bevolking in de negentiende eeuw, 1795-1913' [unpublished research memorandum] (Amsterdam, 1993).
Horlings, E., J.P. Smits, and J.L. van Zanden
'Structural change in the Dutch economy 1800-1913', in: A. Maddison and H. van der Wee, eds., Economic growth and structural change. Comparative approaches over the long run on the basis of reconstructed national accounts [Eleventh International Economic Congress Milan 1994, session B 13] (Milan, 1994).
Horlings, E., en J.-P. Smits
'Private consumer expenditure in the Netherlands, 1800-1913', Economic and Social History in the Netherlands 7 (1995) 15-40.
Horlings, E., and J.L. van Zanden
'Exploitatie en afscheiding. De financiën van de rijksoverheid in Nederland en België, 1815-1850' [paper presented at the conference 'Vergelijkende Historische Nationale Rekeningen in Nederland en België', Leuven, 28 November 1996] (Utrecht, 1996).
Jansen, M.
De industriële ontwikkeling in Nederland 1800-1850 (Amsterdam, 1999).
Knibbe, M.
Agriculture in the Netherlands 1851-1950. Production and institutional change (Amsterdam, 1993).
Smits, J.P.
'The size and structure of the Dutch service sector in international perspective, 1850-1914', Economic and social history in the Netherlands 2 (1990) 81-98.
Smits, J.P.H.
Economische groei en structurele veranderingen in de Nederlandse dienstensector 1850-1913 (Amsterdam, 1995).
Smits, J.P.
'Economische groei en de aantasting van natuurlijke hulpbronnen. Theoretische beschouwingen met een toespitsing op de Nederlandse situatie', NEHA-Bulletin 11,1 (1997) 3-34.
Smits, J.P. and E. Horlings,
Paradise lost and regained: Economic growth and structural change in the Netherlands, 1800-1913 (forthcoming).
Smits, J.P., E. Horlings and J.L. van Zanden,
The measurement of Gross National Product and its components, The Netherlands 1800-1913 (Research Memorandum no. 1, N.W. Posthumus Insitute, Utrecht University) (February 1997).
Smits, J.P., E. Horlings and J.L. van Zanden,
Dutch GNP and its components, 1800-1913 (Groningen, 2000).
Vermaas, A.
'Real industrial wages in the Netherlands, 1850-1913' [paper for the Eleventh International History Congress in Milan] (Amsterdam, 1993).
Verstegen, Wybren
'National wealth and income from capital in the Netherlands, c. 1805-1910', Economic and Social History in the Netherlands 7 (1996) 73-108.
Voort, R. van der
Overheidsbeleid en overheidsfinanciën in Nederland, 1850-1913 (Amsterdam, 1994).
Zanden, J.L. van
'Regionale verschillen in landbouwproductiviteiten loonpeil in de Lage Landen aan het begin van de negentiende eeuw', NEHA-Jaarboek 57 (1994) 271-286.
Zanden, J.L. van
'The development of government finances in a chaotic period', Economic and Social History in the Netherlands 7 (1995).
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